Blog » How to Troubleshoot a Ceiling Leak

Whether the leak is a slight nuisance, or leaves major interior/exterior damage, it’s important to seek the expertise of our roofing professionals immediately.

Water leaks are a homeowner's worst nightmare. They damage your home’s interior and personal belongings, and if unnoticed and unrepaired, they can affect the home’s foundation.  Most common leaks are the result of a burst pipe, dripping appliance or other plumbing fixture.  These types of leaks are fairly easy to identify because water accumulates around the source.  

Ceiling leaks are a whole other puzzle to solve.  Where water drips from the ceiling can be in an entirely different place than where the problem lies. When water leaks from the ceiling, it tends to follow the clearest path until it reaches the lowest point in the ceiling.  This is where the water pools and eventually leaks.

Before calling in professionals, you may be able to identify the source of the leak.  If the leaking is continual regardless of weather, it’s probably coming from a water supply line. Water will look clear and fresh.  Fixture and plumbing lines require immediate attention from a plumber.  On the other hand, leaks that dry out between periods of wet weather indicate the leak is coming from the roof.  Dirty water is a telltale sign of a leaking roof.  

Once it’s determined the problem is coming from the roof, cleaning up the location of the leak is first and foremost.  Move all belongings, assemble collection buckets and dry the surrounding area.   Circulate as much air as possible.  

Depending on your comfort level troubleshooting, check the roof’s gutters and downspouts for debris that could cause clogging.  Make sure water coming from downspouts is directed away from the home’s foundation.  Also inspect the condition of sealing and flashings.  If the gutters and downspouts don’t indicate a problem, the issue could be with worn or damaged roofing materials.  Leaking roofs can start in fireplaces because of inadequate caps and flashing as well.  Roof leaks also manifest themselves in HVAC equipment located in attics.  

PRS Roofing & Siding understands the disruption and inconvenience caused by a leaking roof, and we believe it’s an urgent situation.  Whether the leak is a slight nuisance, or leaves major interior/exterior damage, it’s important to seek the expertise of our roofing professionals immediately.  In many cases, if a leak is minor and identified early, small roofing repairs are adequate.  However, with major leaks and subsequent damage, re-roofing may be necessary.  The professionals at PRS Roofing & Siding focus not only on quality repair work, but ensuring your home is safe and comfortable during the process.  For more information on fixing roof leaks, contact PRS Roofing & Siding today.